Friday, February 6, 2009

Letter I sent to Kellogg

I am typing to inform your corporation that I will no longer purchase Kellogg, Eggo, or Kashi brand products. This is due to your corporation’s decision to stop sponsoring the 14 career gold medal holding Olympiad Michael Phelps.

Too often corporations cater to the views of a closed minded, overly intrusive, and increasingly dwindling-in-numbers section of America. On behalf of those that believe in a socially libertarian country I reject your decision in full.

The days of seeing one’s hero as a faultless beacon of hope was shot during the upheavals of the sixties, buried under the excesses of the seventies, mourned by the Reagan revolutionaries in the eighties, and enthusiastically accepted by ravers in the nineties. Instead we decide what offenses are truly unforgivable and which are matters of personal preference. In the case of Mr. Phelps there is no true offense or harm by his consumption of a recreational drug like marijuana. The real issue would be if he were found to be taking a performance enhancer to aid in his swimming career.

Do know there is a growing cohort of America that accept people like Mr. Phelps in the limited context of what makes them great and nothing more. We do not look upon them as idols to be worshiped or followed as an example in every aspect of their lives.

As a corporation you have the right to sponsor the person of your choice. I would just like to inform you that in the future you will not find as much public support for this type of a decision as in the past.

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